Refinance Mortgage Loan And Your Daughters Dream Of A College

Refinance Mortgage Loan And Your Daughters Dream Of A College Diploma

Your little girl is not so little anymore. Shell be graduating from high school next year. As early as now, you share her excitement for college. Its time to take charge while you still can. Dont worry too much about the money. A refinance mortgage loan can help you out.

Getting Ready For University

Get your daughter a slot on a good university. How? Well, first youll have to know all the requirements so she can prepare, while youll scrounge for the cash. There a number of good colleges your daughter can choose from. Help her pick out the best one for her.

What you can do is to compile sample of admission requirements from her chosen universities. Dont worry if she insists on going to an Ivy League. Thats what your refinance mortgage loan is for.

For example, Princeton admission requirements include: four years of math, four years of English, four years of one foreign language, at least two years of laboratory science, at least two years of history, art, music and a second foreign language, SAT or ACT results and of course, the college admission essay.

There nothing much you or your daughter can do about the educational requirements or her SAT scores. The one thing that she can control, however, is her college admission essay. Remember, its her college essay, not yours. So try to resist the urge to write it for her. You can help her by giving useful tips on the writing process and by proofreading her essay.

Helping Out With The College Admission Essay

For starters, you can tell your daughter to write her essay the way she would speak to a friend. Its important that her thoughts stand out in the essay. An admission essay is your daughters opportunity to distinguish herself from the horde.

When reading her essay, look out for details. A good essay is grounded on personal detail it does not merely tell, it shows. Dont hesitate to point out errors in your daughters essay. An admission essay will have a huge impact on her application so it is only fitting that your daughter works hard on it, revising and rewriting until it feels right.

How to Win That College Slot

If you dont have talent for words, let someone capable help out your daughter. Or you can turn to her English teacher, the Internet, or even the good ol library for writing tips. But never ask someone else to write it for her even if you can afford to hire a professional writer to do it with the money you got from your refinance mortgage loan!

After writing her essay and sending out her applications, youll both have to wait for a letter of acceptance from the colleges she applied to. Once your daughter gets the letter, make sure to drive down to the school with her. See for yourself the environment shell be in for 4 long years or more.

At this point, you should have your refinance mortgage loan ready. Aside from tuition, you will also be spending on your daughters food, clothing and living allowance.

If you got yourself a good refinancing deal, then you need not worry about this. Your refinance mortgage loan will cover all the necessary expenses for your daughters dream of a college diploma.


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